- Ravenscar-Java Development participated in SummIT07 with a booth.
- Time: 29-30 January 2007
- Place: Radisson SAS H.C. Andersen Hotel, Odense
- SummIT07 homepage.
- The slides showned at the booth.
ISORC 2007 - 10th IEEE International Symposium on Object/component/service-oriented Real-time distributed Computing
- Ravenscar-Java Development participates in the symposium with the paper:
"A Profile for Safety Critical Java", - Abstract and presentation, - see Output
- Time: 7-9 May 2007
- Place: Santorini Island, Greece
- ISORC '07 homepage.
JTRES 2006 - The 4th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems
- Ravenscar-Java Development participates in the workshop with the paper:
"A Ravenscar-Java Profile Implementation",
presented by
Hans Søndergaard, Vitus Bering Denmark - Abstract and presentation, - see Output
- Time: 11-13 October 2006
- Place: Centre National des Arts et Métiers, Paris
- JTRES '06 homepage.
Workshop on Java in Embedded Systems
- Ravenscar-Java Development participates with:
"Embedded real-time development using the Ravenscar-Java Profile",
presented by
Hans Søndergaard, Vitus Bering Denmark; Bent Thomsen, Aalborg University - Time: 26 September 2006
- Place: IT University of Copenhagen, Rued Langgaardsvej 7, 2300 Copenhagen S
- Organizer: CISS, - Centre for Embedded Software Systems
- The programme in PDF-format.
- Ravenscar-Java Development participated in worksession A4-Technology Platforms I:
"Development of the Ravenscar-Java Profile on the aJ-100 processor" - Time: 27-28 March 2006
- Place: Hotel Hvide Hus, Aalborg
- SummIT06 homepage.
Workshop on Java in Embedded Systems
- Ravenscar-Java Development participated with:
"Embedded real-time development using the Ravenscar-Java Profile",
presented by
Hans Søndergaard, Vitus Bering Denmark; Martin Astradsson, FOSS; Bent Thomsen, Aalborg University - Time: 3 March 2006
- Organizer: CISS, - Centre for Embedded Software Systems
- The programme in PDF-format.